OK I found it! It was my fault!
I used ParticlesManager.SetIdleTimeLimit(5) – I’m not sure why, I wrote that line 3 years ago. Probably I thought that it will improve performance. After removing that line all works fine.
I have another question – I have many emitters set on huge level and they all “rendered” regardless they are on screen or not (and it consumes GPU power). Can I enable/disable effect rendering? I mean drawing only without stopping emitters?
I’m just back from EGX Rezzed and will investigate this (this is strange). Thank you!
Hello – did you managed to check that bug? I will be very grateful. By the way – will you be at EGX Rezzed London because I will be there ?
OK, I’m looking forward to get some fix
I mean mky.mojo2 for Bmx-NG. Is it the same (eg. monkey libs will work for NG)?
Thanks. Also: TimelineFX is compatible with mky.mojo2 ?