Reply To: Problem with effect
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Hi, sorry for the delay, I finally managed to get Blitzmax working again! I loaded the effect in the sample program that comes with the documentation and it seems to play ok. Is there anything in your code that might be causing the effect to play with less particles? Are you using “MyParticleManager.SetGlobalAmountScale(1)” anywhere perhaps with a lower number? If is the code I am using to test: (sorry about lack of formatting, the code box wasn’t working properly for some reason!
Framework brl.max2d
Import rigz.timelinefx
Import rigz.tweener
Import brl.glmax2d
SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
‘Load the effects library
Local MyEffectsLib:tlEffectsLibrary = LoadEffects(“effects/main_lib2.eff”, False)
‘Create an effect and assign it an effect from the library
Local MyEffect:tlEffect = MyEffectsLib.GetEffect(“slow_smoke”)
‘Create the particle manager to manage the particles
Local MyParticleManager:tlParticleManager = CreateParticleManager()
Graphics (800, 600, 0)
‘These commands are important to set the origin of the particle manager. For this example we’re setting the origin so that
‘effects will be placed at screen coordinates. If you leave out the setorigin command then an effect created at 0,0 would
‘be placed at the center of the screen.
myparticlemanager.SetScreenSize(GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight())
myparticlemanager.SetOrigin(GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2)
‘You can use the following command to control the number of particles spawned globally by the particle manager.
‘This is handy for slower PCs where you want to reduce the number of particles that are drawn overal. A setting of 0.5 would halve the
‘number spawned for example. 1 is the default value.
‘This will make one frame equal 33 millisecs long – or 30 updates per second.
‘Create a tweener using the tweener mod. Make sure its frequency matches that above
Local Tweener:tTweener = New tTweener.Create(30)
‘Our main loop
While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) Or AppTerminate()
If MouseHit(1)
‘to create an effect you need to use the copyeffect command, and copy the MyEffect you created earlier.
‘You shouldn’t use MyEffect as it is the template
‘for which is used to create effects you draw on screen.
Local tempeffect:tlEffect = CopyEffect(myeffect, MyParticleManager)
‘Set the temp effect to the mouse coords
‘give it a random zoom level which will affect the overal size of the effect
tempeffect.SetZ(Rnd(0.5, 1.5))
‘add the effect to the particle manager. Important, otherwise the particle manager would have nothing to update
End If
‘here is the timing code, update the tweener to get the number of ticks for this loop
For Local Ticks:Int = 1 To Tweener.FrameTicks
‘Update the execution time for the tweener
‘Update the particle manager
‘and finally draw the particles.
SetRotation 0
SetScale 1, 1
SetAlpha 1
DrawText MyParticleManager.GetParticlesInUse(), 10, 10
Flip 0