Re: Re: Can’t seem to enable velocity, spin etc
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@peterigz wrote:
Glad you figured it out. I just watched the video again to check it’s all covered (hate the sound of my own voice! 😳 ) and setting the velocity overtime is definitely in there (at out 2:40).
It does. That was an oversight of me. Doesn’t solve the problem I am still having though 🙂
@peterigz wrote:
I don’t think there’s any design behind them being 0 by default, maybe there was a reason that I’ve long since forgotten lol, but generally, once you set a base attribute, like velocity, weight, spin etc., then then you should always look to be adjusting the equivalent overtime attribute. The overtime attributes are what give you all the precise control over your effects.
I understand that completely. Still, I guess that you’d want these values to be at 1.0 initially in 99 out of 100 cases.
@peterigz wrote:
It sounds a bit strange what you’re saying regarding effects not updating, as they should update as you adjust the various graphs/settings. They only reason you wouldn’t see anything change is if a specific graph is set to 0, for example, you’re changing spin overtime, but the spin graph or spin variation have their nodes set to 0.
To test, you could just create a brand new effect and emitter. Go to the velocity graph and drag the first node up to about 500. Then on the Velocity overtime graph drag the first node up and down and you should see the particle just shooting upwards (or downwards if you go below 0 on the graph).
I just tested that: the particle does not move… 😯 Can you test it? It works after I save and re-load the library. Same goes for the spin values. Again, its only the velocity and spin values that show this behaviour. All other values work as expected and right after I change them.