Archive for November, 2015

It’s always good to see how TimelineFX is being used to make particle effects in games all over the world. I spotted an article on Gamasutra about how Double 11 had created the particle effects in their PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate Game. It’s a great article and goes into a lot of detail about how they also created all of the various effects including dynamic flowing water. Their use of TimelineFX went further than making use of the exported effects to sprite sheets, they went as far as to develop their own engine in c++ so they could use the effects more dynamically in-game – Another Read more

Just a few bug fixes in this one, which I’ve listed below. Thanks to Trevor Nordstrom from for pointing these out. There’s a few more little glitches on the Mac which I believe are effecting El Capitan, so looks like I’m going to have to upgrade my old MacBook which is getting a bit long in the tooth. I hope to work on some new features over Christmas so hopefully will have another new version with some more interesting stuff in the new year! Those changes then: The “*” symbol to indicate a graph that is changed from default Read more